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We Plan on having courses for:


Popular Courses

BTW, the below courses are not real; just placeholders.


How to Open Notepad

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.


How to Delete a File

Be careful not to destroy the fabric of space-time while you're at it.

For Facilitators, not Students

If you are anyone else but an instructor or facilitator and you are reading this, please forget all the words you just read and the existence of this website, thanks 🙂

Creative Outlet

So ideally I would love to have a project I can continually work on and contribute to so this also double as that


If you’re familiar with using a CMS, please don’t tell anyone that making a website like this isn’t really that hard LOL

At Your Own Pace

This website isn't going anywhere, so feel free to refer back to it anytime.

Why Choose Us?

You don’t want to know what happens if you don’t choose us.

None, Ziltch, nada, ZERO Industry Leaders

Because there are ZERO industry leaders that understand your needs, and these videos are catered to you.

No Hassle Online Learning

Ever spend more time looking for the right youtube tutorial to watch than actually watching it? This is your one stop shop for learning resources.

Unprofessional Assistance

Ever feel to scared to ask a question? Not here! We are 100% unprofessional to try to remain as approachable as possible.

Trusted by Thousand of Students and Tutors

If by thousands of students and tutors, you mean absolutely no one. Hey, look at the number below count up really fast LOL
"OMG, I am totally writing this with my human hands and human fingers. As a human being that breaths and does human things like drinking water, I can express with my tiny dumb human brain that all humans possess that this website is satisfactory, for a human."
Rob Ert
"As a totally real human person, I think this website is great!"
Eddie Johnson
"I think the other reviewer are robots, I don't wanna say anything because I don't want them to go all iRobot on me so don't tell them I said anything"
Jonathan Doe
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Robert Cop